Estate & Business Planning
Offering Business Owners a Broad Range of Estate Planning Services
At McNamee Hosea, our growing list of business law clients value us as their home for timely, astute counsel on matters such as integrated business succession, estate planning, long-range business planning and exit strategies.
Our estate planning practice employs a broad range of useful instruments: from revocable living trusts, bypass and insurance trusts, to a wide array of value-leveraging techniques. Our firm's skillful business planners focus keenly on succession plans that specify ownership and control.
If you are a business owner, contact our law firm today to learn how we can help you plan for the future.
Full Portfolio of Estate Planning & Probate Services
Our menu of business estate planning strengths speaks to our versatility. We are committed to help you take the right measures to protect your best interests, in regard to:
- Probate
- Preparation of estate tax returns
- Fiduciary income tax returns
- Maintenance of asset accounts
- Estate planning
- Estate administration
- Trust administration
- Wills
- Powers of attorney
In many ways, business estate planning differs very little from estate planning at the personal and family levels. Just as you've invested time, energy and emotions in your family and circle of loved ones, you've also sacrificed to grow your business. The intelligent priority: make sure that everything you've built professionally will continue to grow and thrive beyond the deaths of you or your partners.
Taking Proactive Measure to Help You Avoid Tax Liabilities
We suspect that the bulk of your financial resources are probably heavily invested in your company. Sending generous amounts of capital back into it can definitely help finance growth, but it can also trigger a serious obstacle to the liquidity of your estate upon your passing. Your loved ones may wind up with a mountain of post-probate, post-estate tax liabilities that became due at the time of your death, in addition to a likely business earnings drop-off due to your absence.
At McNamee Hosea, we have ways to help you confront these complexities. A number of methods can help ease the burden of estate taxes and best utilize your available cash. Among these devices for your business are Section 303 stock redemption, buy-sell agreements and Section 6166 estate tax deferrals. A qualified family-owned business exclusion could also be put to good use. Any of these strategies could be financed with business-owned life insurance.
We Take a Client-focused Approach
We make it our business to know your business. Whether your company is large or small, new or established, you can benefit from our legacy of experience in estate planning. Contact us today to schedule a consultation in one of our convenient locations.
Related Attorneys
- Lissa L. Betancourt
- Esther A. Streete
- Milton D. Jernigan II
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- Danielle M. Cruttenden
Serving clients throughout Maryland, DC and Virginia.
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