McNamee Hosea Helps Send Children Back to School with Annual Charity Efforts
As area students prepare to return to school, McNamee Hosea staff and attorneys have stepped up to help them start the year with all the supplies they will need for a successful school year. Participation in the "Back-to-School" charity efforts in Prince George's County and Anne Arundel County is a strong tradition at McNamee Hosea and the annual outreach of employees has continued for eight consecutive years.
For this school year, McNamee Hosea contributed seven backpacks to the Prince George's Child Resource Center (PG-CRC) and twenty-five backpacks to Georgetown East Elementary in Anne Arundel County. In addition, personal monetary contributions were made directly to the PG-CRC and the Annapolis Lighthouse Shelter. For each of the thirty-two bags that that were requested the PG-CRC and by Anne Arundel County Department of Social Services, our staff and attorneys donated their time and efforts in order to purchase all the supplies needed for their "Back-to-School" adopted child and deliver all the backpacks to the Elementary School and the Prince George's County Child Resource Center. We are very thankful to our employees for their contributions toward this project, as well as McNamee Hosea's continued efforts within our community.
We would like to thank the PG-CRC as well as the Anne Arundel County Department of Social Services for all the time and effort involved in organizing this project. We are once again grateful to have the opportunity to work with these amazing organizations dedicated to sending children Back-to-School with all the materials needed for a flourishing school year.
For additional information on this charity, and other organizations that McNamee Hosea supports, please visit the "Community Involvement" page. You can also visit each organization website by clicking on the links below:
Prince George's Child Resource Center (PG-CRC)
Anne Arundel County Department of Social Services
McNamee Hosea Employees and Attorneys help supply area students with supplies as they head Back-to-School.
Supplies ready to be packed by McNamee Hosea employees for Back-to-School charity efforts.Bookbags and Supplies for three first graders wait to be packed by McNamee Hosea employees
McNamee Hosea Employees help to pack and prepare book bags for students to head Back-to-School.
Employee, Katie Wright, helps to pack supplies for area students
Employee Morgan Miller helps to deliver backpacks to Georgetown East Elementary School.Partner, Matthew Tedesco, drops off a book bag filled with supplies for annual Back-to-School Charity effort.