McNamee Hosea News & Press — Business Law


Practical Tips for Doing Business with Chinese Partners

January 2017

With Chinese companies becoming a growing source of business for many American companies, it is best for these companies and their counsel to learn some Chinese business etiquette. Many Chinese companies are investing in assets located in the United States, both real estate and other businesses, so this is a worthwhile area to explore. Full Article
What Entrepreneurs Can Learn From the FIFA Scandal

December 2015

This article provides four lessons key lessons that entrepreneurs can learn from the FIFA scandal. The first, the power of business culture. Soccer is gaining popularity throughout the country. Some enjoy watching the sport; others enjoy watching how the Federation International Football Association, or FIFA, is navigating current charges of corruption. Interestingly, the scandal provides lessons for entrepreneurs throughout the country, including here in Maryland. Full Article
Key Issues in the Transfer of a Business

July 2015

Business owners need to protect themselves from issues connected to partnership disputes. The decision to start a business is not something most people take lightly. They know that if they decide to move forward with their plans, they need to be sure that they have considered the various formation types available. They will want to minimize their financial liability while looking to maximize the potential profits that they may make. Full Article
Pass on Your Legacy by Planning for a Business Succession

July 2014

You have probably spent a good portion of your career, if not the entirety of it, investing your own human capital in your business. For many business owners, it is important to ensure that the business they worked so hard to propagate continues its operations after they have passed the torch. Full Article